Creative Non Fiction

Marco Antonio Perez 

ENG 101 


This I believe Essay

          Religion would be a thing in my life that my belief in has changed. My family went from not going to church to going to Mass every Sunday and helping out in our local parish that we go to. Before my parents involvement in the church they used to go to a lot of parties and not at church. Two incidents happened to my mom that changed the way in how we believed in religion. An accident and illness affected my mom that changed the way she saw religion and made a huge difference in her life. 

          Before my parents got really into religion,they didn’t seem to think it was that important. Whenever we got invited to parties such as weddings, quinceaneras (sweet 15), or baptisms, we never went to the mass. We would instead show up to the party usually late around 8 or 9. My parents would drink and dance too much. After the party, they would have their hangover s and let me cook for them and my younger brothers. also , whenever my dad would come home from work, he would return tired and  drunk since he worked with people who were a bad influence to him. I would take advantage of the situation and ask my parents for money and they  would give me a lot of money without thinking since they would be tired. Before my parents started believing in christianity, they were doing stuff that they now know were bad. My aunts and uncles convinced my parents to switch their lifestyle by trying to go to church and following the rules that Christians follow. Two things happened to my mom that changed their way of life and their way of looking and believing in religion. 

          One incident that my mom had to go through was that when it was my last year of elementary school, she got hit by a school bus while she was trying to pick us up early from school. I was ten years old at the time so I didn’t like the idea of my mom being in the hospital. She fractured her leg, and my brother who was just 3 years old was with mom. He got hit in the head since my mom pushed him out of the way so the bus would not hit him. My aunts and uncles came to see them both in the hospital and said things like “ this will get better.” They convinced my mom and dad to try and go to church. My dad had to stop working so he can take care of my mom. They eventually took my aunts advice and decided to try and go to church every sunday. They started believing and having faith that things will get better. They sued the bus driver and they got a lot of money since they won the case. This led them to believe more in God and because of this they were able to pay their debts and get new stuff for us. Their was another incident that increased their faith even more but it was worse than the accident that she had. 

          The second incident that my mom had to go through, that increased our faith was that she was informed that she had skin cancer. This was not that long ago, it was a year ago that she got informed. At first the doctors said that it wasn’t malignant and that it was treatable. But after a couple of weeks, mom my started complaining of chest pain. When the doctors took an xray of my mom,  they found out that she had a tumor growing right next to her heart. They tried to do surgery on her to take away the tumor but it was impossible since it was dangerous. The alternative to surgery was chemotherapy and she decided to choose to take that. Till this day she takes chemo still every 2nd Tuesday of every month. This has increased her faith unlike other people. She believes that she will get cured. She goes to church constantly praying that things will get better. People that we know from the parish pray for her which makes her feel food. My dad also has changed. He still can’t go to church since he has to take care of my mom but he instead cooks and helps make the house clean along with me and my brothers help. He no longer drink and also likes going to church every sunday. These two incidents has changed my parents and my belief in religion. We went to not going to church at all to having a lot of faith and going to church every weekend and getting more involved in our parish. 

            My view on religion changed drastically in the past few years. With everything that has happened to my parents I learned to be more responsible and respectful. I began going to church more too since my parents made us go with them every Sunday. I learned to pay more attention to my parents and not take advantage of them. Before, I would rarely go to church and whenever I did I would be fooling around but only because I didnt know its importance since my parents didn’t have that “Christian lifestyle”. 

          These 2 incidents have changed my way of believing in religion. I went from not having faith to going to church constantly with my parents every weekend. My parents old habits are gone. They are more humble and understanding. I changed from being greedy to working hard for what I want. My parents especially my mom is grateful for what has happened even though it may not be what she wanted. Religion played a role in our changed way of life, it made my mom more faithful and positive and my dad became more hardworking and I learned how to be more responsible and humble to other people.